Parish Council

Parish Council Mission Statement

To create a community of love with God at the centre that reaches out into the world.

 We will do this by:

  • Building a strong foundation of spirituality, prayer and celebration;
  • Being welcoming and life-giving;
  • Helping each other to fulfil our unique potential;
  • Enthusing our young people and nurturing their relationship with God;
  • Sharing our gifts with those of all faiths and none;
  • Responding to the changes in society and reaching out to those in need.


During 2013 a process took place to establish one Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) across our three parishes of St Philip’s, Immaculate Heart and St Mary’s. This built upon the work during the previous year, undertaken by the Spiritual and Pastoral Development Group, to put in place many of the foundations for the PPC. The process to establish the Parish Pastoral Council was completed at Easter 2013 with its membership representing each of the existing parishes as well as the primary schools and finance committee.

The full PPC Action plan can be downloaded by clicking on the link below.PPC Action Plan